Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday Evening Post (September 13, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

Here's what's been happening the last few days!

Reading: We're utilizing the Signposts curriculum to make inferences and connections with the realistic fiction novel Wonder. We're making sure to support our inferences with clues/evidence from the text!

Writing: We have been practicing how to plan a characters reaction by detailing the characters thoughts and feelings during the situation in the story that we are writing. We've also been working on revising our stories to add more details that make the story come to life!

On top of that, we are looking through the stories we have written and revising those stories by developing the internal and external traits of the main character, and plugging those details back into the story!

Math: We practiced being precise when using the standard algorithm for addition. We also have been modeling different strategies that we could use to solve for addition well into the thousands place value!!

We also had Science Lab with Mrs. Seachrist, and we worked on understanding the scientific method!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have a good one!