Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday Afternoon Post (Sept 8, 2017)

Howdy Folks!

This is what we've been working on the last couple of days!


We've been practicing locating signposts as we read the awesome novel Wonder, and then made inferences based on the signposts! We made sure that we supported out inferences with clues/evidence from the text!

We also have been practicing reading non-fictions texts and articles (via the reading program, Achieve 3000), and then referring back to the text/article (as a basis for evidence) when answering questions.


On the narrative writing side of things, we're continuing to generate story ideas as well as characters (for those stories) that have traits, struggles, and actions! We've also been working on our writing stamina, making sure that we write, write, write as much as we can, within the work time that's given to us!

Putting up "distractor shields" so we can stay focused on our story

Sharing out our stories!

On the informative writing side of things, we've been practicing taking our research notes and typing them out! We've also been practicing the skill of reciting in order to edit and revise what we've written! Today we recited our writing to a peer in order to revise by adding linking words/ phrases, as well as adding descriptive words/phrases!

Assisting with revision and editing!


We reviewed rounding three-digit numbers and adding those numbers to estimate three- and four-digit totals. We also made sure to construct viable arguments, justifying our estimations! We also reviewed the standard addition algorithm, and reviewed the concept of regrouping!

We also had PE with Coach Issac,

And we had Pokemon Friday today,

And we topped the Friday off with Kinder Buddies!

And that's a wrap folks! Cheers, and have an awesome weekend!